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2008-03-13 01:51 GMT.
Feed My Ego
Scott Ventura
Scott Ventura's Resume
Scott D. Ventura
Computer Skills
- Languages:
Equator MAP VLIW C and VLx assembly,
- Operating Systems:
Windows 3.11 through XP
RedHat Linux, Fedora
- Editors: GNU emacs and vi
- Programming Tools: gdb, xxgdb, gprof,
Purify, dbx, GNU make, CVS and RCS
- Document Preparation: HTML / CSS,
LaTeX and gnuplot
Software Developer, Xerox Corporation
Webster, New York (October 1998 - present)
Optimized several algorithms for Equator Media Applications
Processors (MAP).
Participated in architecturing, implementation, optimization
and testing of
image compression systems running on both UltraSPARC and
Equator MAP systems.
Taught internal courses in basics of programming and
optimizing for Equator MAP processors.
Software Developer, Xerox through Ajilon
Webster, New York (October 1997 - October 1998)
Restructured/rewrote an existing UNIX-based analysis program
in C++ to be easily modified and maintained.
Used a combination of tools to regression-test the software to
preserve the correctness of the implementation.
Multithreaded the analyses to improve performance on
multiprocessor computers.
Implemented a Motif interface.
Implemented communication with external hardware devices over a
serial cable connection to allow the software to control the
Software Developer, UR Center for Visual Science
Rochester, New York (May 1996 - October 1997)
Made extensive modifications to real-time psychophysics
experimentation software in Metrowerks C including data
collection from an external computer and modifications to the
subject stimuli.
Extensively commented C code written by previous programmers on
the project.
Collaborated on an analysis program to allow visual playback of
the data and make statistical observations about subject behavior.
Wrote a comprehensive LaTeX manual each for the experimentation
program and the analysis program.
Used Perl to create a prototype analysis program for an
evolving experiment.
Current Activities
I sing in the Chorus of
the Genesee, a male barbershop chorus. In
addition to working as an assistant section leader, I serve on
the Board of Directors and maintain the website and mailing lists for
the chorus. I also sing in a quartet called Fever Pitch and maintain the
web site.
I have a strong interest in usability issues for the World Wide Web.
I have a knack for identifying compatability and accessability issues
on web sites. I was an early user of several "alternative" browsers
like SlipKnot and lynx, so I have a passion for cross-browser
I maintain a personal web site with about 400 pages. The biggest
section of the site, movie reviews, is generated with a combination of
perl and the C preprocessor. The perl script parses a field-value
pair file for each movie, generating both pages for the movie and
automatically updated index pages.
University of Rochester: B.S. Computer Science, 1997 (Wilson
A printer-friendlier version of this document is
also available.
This page was lovingly hand-crafted by
Scott Ventura, who is solely responsible for the contents. Scott
is also the sole owner of the content of this page, including all of
the graphics.
Send comments or questions.